Looking for More Challenging Golf? Play Desert Golf

Interested to play golf with some of nature's meanest creations? Teeing off with critters and rattlesnakes isn't exactly a usual golfer's idea of the game, but you've got to admit, the prospect is exciting to say the least. If your idea of golf is grass and more grass, then playing desert golf will definitely give you a new perspective. https://nad-kehidupan.blogspot.com/2019/02/looking-for-more-challenging-golf-play.html

To meet the growing call for environmental considerations regarding the construction of golf courses, golf designers have now created more eco-friendly playing grounds. Desert golf courses, such as Desert Highlands and Gold Canyon Dinosaur Mountain of Scottsdale and others found in Arizona and Las Vegas are marked by tighter fairways and transition areas that follow the natural contour of the land. There is grass to mark the fairway and the putting green, but this is limited to only a maximum of 90 acres.

Local flora and fauna are allowed to flourish naturally such that golfers have to watch out for certain desert cacti that could literally grab you as you play. It's also not unusual to encounter an occasional coyote or a number of them during the course of your round. https://nad-kehidupan.blogspot.com

In desert golf, sand or dirt usually mark the transition areas, and the desert itself is considered a normal part of the playing course, not a hazard. Golf carts must run perpendicular to the set cart path to preserve the desert. It's not unusual to find arroyos cutting through the fairways. With the thin desert air, playing this kind of golf is definitely a one-of-a-kind experience.

So if you're looking for a more interesting and adventurous way to play golf, desert golfing is the game for you. After all, the prospect of a rattlesnake biting you as you swing your club will definitely give you an adrenalin rush that you can't find on any regular green carpet-like golf course.
With desert golf, sinking the putt will never be the same again. https://dev.gajim.org/snippets/605


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