Cafe World Tips - The Importance of Gift Giving in Cafe World

Cafe World allows you to give a variety of gifts to your friends on Facebook. They cost you nothing and often allow you to receive very useful and valuable gifts in return you could not otherwise obtain even if you were willing to purchase it.

So do not ignore this opportunity. It is easy to do and has some tremendous benefit.
Gift Giving Made Simple

There is really nothing complicated in giving a gift while playing Cafe World. During game play, simply access your current gift menu. Gifts can include food items like appetizers, drinks, cakes and cookies which are much appreciated and used by your friends and neighbors.

You also have the option to give a gift which is not on the gift menu. You can purchase an item from the store and give that as a gift. However this depletes your Cafe Coins and most players would rather receive a gift from the gift menu rather than something they can purchase themselves.
How to Get Gifts Back

They say it is better to give than receive but in Cafe World, your goal is to receive at least as much as you give. Normally the people you send gifts to are very happy to reciprocate and send one back. However you have the option of sending them a gentle reminder.

Try to send out gifts every day and you will find that your friends and neighbors will start sending you back many in return.

Believe these items come in very handy. And the more neighbors you can hook up with, the more gifts you will receive and ultimately the greater success you will achieve.

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